Wednesday 25 August 2010

Bags of flowers

For my next project I decided to make a bag. I had some beige linen that I wanted to use and then I got some deep purple cotton to line the bag and do a flower to accessorize. I made this bag in a similar style to the first one I made (the red/grey/black one). I did a different sort of fastening for this, with a little flap that went over the top with a little loop that goes through a hole in the flap. I think it may have been better if the hole was a bit smaller, but it seemed to do the trick.
I wasn’t sure how to make a flower; I had an idea in mind but had a little look online anyway to see what was out there. In the end I just folded a length of purple cotton in half along the length and then sewed the open edges together with a wide stitch, then pulled the stitching to gather the edge. I then wound it into a circle and when I was happy that it looked like a flower I hand sewed it into place. Then sewed a button on to hide the mess in the middle, plus a safety pin on the back so that it can be detached from the bag if wanted. Apr 2010

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