Tuesday, 17 August 2010

And sew it starts

When I was young whenever my nan knitted me and my siblings cardies and jumpers there would always be a label in it saying ‘hand knitted by nan’. As I decided to sew a few presents for Christmas my first thought was to get some ‘handmade by Hev’ labels made. It took me a whole evening to choose the design I wanted, I don’t really know why, it’s not like there was that much choice. But a few days later the labels arrived and I was ready to start making.

My first present I decided to make was a bag for a friend. I had an idea in my head of what the bag would look like. It was going to be a big bag made out of a few different fabrics. I had a long, black cord, skirt that was in good condition but that I hadn’t worn in ages so I decided to cut it up to use. As well as this I had a pair of grey jeans I had out grown so I cut those up too. I did buy some red/black flecky material to accent these two fabrics. I also got some black cotton for the lining, plus some d-loops for the handles and a few large buttons for decoration.
I didn’t have a pattern, or any thing to follow so I just sort of made it up as I went along, knowing how I wanted it to look in the end. It took me a while as I had to figure out how to do each detail I wanted to add. The most annoying thing was when I sewed the lining on, I turned it all in the right way and realised I had sewn the lining on inside out. It took forever to unpick, but I’ve never made the same mistake again.
I think this is where it started, my tendency for making bags. This was my first bag I made but it was not going to be my last. When I’m trying to think of something to make I most commonly make bags. I guess it’s because bags are one-size-fits-all and there are so many things you can do to them to make them different. This was also the start of me re-using materials from old clothing (I call the things made from old clothing items rejuve in my blog labels). Dec 2009

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